Do they make baby helmets? Would you think I was crazy if Gates wore one around the house? He needs a helmet! Since he is climbing onto everything he also bumps his head into everything. Most the time it doesn't even faze him but he does have little purple dots on his forehead.
Luckily Chris joined me in this challenge of trying to capture a smiling picture of Gates. The only way Chris was able to help was by dropping Gates into his marshmallow chair. Don't call child protection services on us! The chair really is a giant marshmallow and Gates was laughing like crazy.
I had the camera set on the action setting which is suppose to catch movement but as you can tell Gates was to fast for that. I kept trying to capture the moments anyways and did get lots or really cute blurry pictures of Gates. I am still working on my camera skills, that might be a small part of the blurry pictures.
The whole time I was taking these pictures I was either prepared at any moment to catch Gates from jumping or I was holding his leg or foot.
I am telling you this child is hyper active, thanks to Chris' genes.
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