Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pictures for a Christmas card

I have made three different attempts at capturing a Christmas card worthy picture of just the boys.  It is impossible!  I can barely get all three to stay in one spot at the same time much less not cry.  My expectations are low.  I don’t need all smiling sweat angel smiles,  I just all some what happy with face visible.  Not possible.  Some one is always running away, crying, giving me the back of their heads, moving so fast that they are a blur or just flat out looking ridiculous.

Attempt 1



  1. Ooo!! I can sooo relate! We are attempting ours this Saturday!

  2. I know how hard it is with two kids. I'm sure it's harder with three! One year I gave up and found a card with three picture spots and picked the best picture of each kid and my husband and I from the year. It turned out pretty cute!
