They helped me finally buy mirrors for all the bathrooms. Yes, we have had no mirrors in our house, except for the master bath, for the past two month. Now Chris just needs to hang them.
We also found a mirror for my bedroom which is the mirror on the right.
We celebrated Whitney's Birthday! I really appreciated her spending her birthday weekend helping. That's what amazing friends do!
We hung curtains in the twins room and moved furniture around to make the room look good. The nursery is finally coming along but still needs a lot of work, like paint and stuff to hang on the walls.
They helped me pick out fabric to use for making the dust ruffles in the nursery and then helped me start making them. We also picked out fabric for Chrissy to make a dust ruffle for her guest bedroom, which we also made this weekend.
That was a lot of things we accomplished but believe it or not they managed to help me with even more very time consuming projects. This is what the kitchen looked like while we worked on decorating letters.

We then got really delirious from lack of sleep and started hanging the letters in the playroom to make an alphabet wall.
I might not have anything hanging on the walls in the rest of the house, but I do have this amazing alphabet wall in the playroom. Actually, they helped me figure out where to hang some pictures I have propped against walls all over the house.
We then got really delirious from lack of sleep and started hanging the letters in the playroom to make an alphabet wall.

While I am on the subject of amazing friends, I also have another amazing carpenter friend who made my island counter top and installed it this week. It is gorgeous! This is the same friend who made my amazing bed and coffee table. We also have some amazing friends that have brought us dinner. I am so thankful for all the amazing friends that the Lord has placed in our lives.

He also was very busy helping his dad with trying to make our master closet fabulous. Notice, Gates being really helpful in the picture dumping all the screws out of the box.
Things are starting to come together around the house but unfortunately we still have a lot to do. Eventually, I would like to share some pictures of the new house but none of the rooms are really finished looking. The closest to being finished is the playroom but I still have big plans for it too.
So, as you can see we accomplished a lot in one weekend thanks to my amazing friends. I promise not to use the word amazing for a while.
Gates had a great time this weekend trying to help with all the projects. The highlight of Gates' weekend was getting to hang out with his uncle Scott who let him do one of his favorite things, drive his car.
He also was very busy helping his dad with trying to make our master closet fabulous. Notice, Gates being really helpful in the picture dumping all the screws out of the box.
Everything looks so great! I especially like the "o" on the wall since I was there to help pick it out! The twins room is looking awesome, so glad you did the striped curtains. You are going to have to show me how to do that bed skirt I love it!
ReplyDeletelove the letters on the wall! so cute.